Do I need a For Sale board?


21st November 2018

Do I need a For Sale board?

At more and more valuations we get asked if a For Sale board is necessary when selling. With over 80% of property searches starting online, is there any point? The short answer…yes, 100% you SHOULD have a For Sale board outside your home! 

There are various reasons sellers don’t want a For Sale board.

• It’s embarrassing if no-one wants to buy our home

• I don’t want people knocking on the door unannounced

• We don’t get a lot of passing traffic

• We don’t want the neighbours to know 

Don’t’ worry about this last point, your neighbours will find out!

If somebody really doesn’t want a board, we wouldn’t force their hand. However, it’s worth explaining why we feel they are essential:

1. Neighbours – They may not be happy to see you leaving but instead of worrying about them, use their networks to sell your home quickly for the best price possible. Your neighbours will want to make sure your replacement is a good fit for the street so they’re likely to suggest your home to their friends and family. 

2. Sneaky Peekers - We’ve all done it… Prior to booking a viewing, most buyers will have a drive out on a reconnaissance mission. If you live on a street where the houses are similar, without a board, potential buyers won’t be able to find your home!

3. The New Comers - Most newcomers to an area will do their research by driving up and down most streets, finding what and where they like. They will often do this before conducting any online property searches. If you don’t have a for sale board outside, how can they scribble your address down and check the agent's website later?

4. Are you being serious? - If you don’t have a board outside your home, are you serious about selling?  Will buyers feel like they’re wasting their time? Are you just testing the market? 

5. The ‘One Day’ers – How many times have you heard friends and family say "one day, we’d love to live on that street or this street, but they never come up”.  The vast majority of the public don’t search new property listings each day, or even each week. So sometimes the old ways are the best, a printed board, that you don’t have to log on to find.

The advantages by far outweigh the disadvantages, but there are a few additional notes to make: 

A board should be complimentary of the property. If your property is unique and/or of high value, you should consider the board design and how that reflects on your home. Something bespoke and designed specifically for your home may be much more in keeping with the individual nature of your home.

Keep good maintenance of your board. Having a well-presented property can be let down by a shabby, unkempt board. If the board provided is discoloured or damaged, call your agent and ask them to swap it. If you board is dirty, give it a clean, if the board is wind damaged, then let your agent know.

In summary... without a board, can you really say you're doing everything possible to find a buyer as quickly as possible at the highest price possible?

If you think one of our boards would look great in your garden, then please feel free to call our team on 02894 429977 to arrange your free valuation or email us at